Photo - Motorica LLC

Motorica LLC

Innovative upper limb prosthetics.

Russia, Moscow region
Market: Medicine, Robotics, Virtual and Augmented Reality
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 27.01.2021
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Motorica focuses on research and development in medicine and robotics. Since 2014, the company has been developing artificial hand systems and rehabilitation with assistive technologies. Motorica challenges the outdated ideas about prosthetic care. The team made prostheses which can communicate with the user, go online, perform voice commands, pay for purchases. With this solution, people with disabilities become the primary users of the cyber technology market and turn weaknesses into strengths.

Current Status

Motorica was launched in 2014 with an artificial arm device. During its 5 years of R&D it developed its prosthetics product line to 3 products - CYBI (3D Printed active prostheses), INDY and MANIFESTO (myoelectric prostheses). In addition to that, in 2018, Motorica launched the development of a rehabilitation platform based on virtual reality and an IoT platform for collecting telemetry via gsm-module in prosthetic devices.
The commercialisation was launched in 2016 and more than 1800 prostheses were sold since then in 12 countries. Currently, our Daily Active Users (DAU) amount is 700.
Revenue is steadily accelerating:
2016 - $50k
2017 - $300k
2018 - $950k
2019 - $2M
2020 - $2,9M


Our customer segments can be better described through some examples of our persona:
Imagine Bogdana, 5 y.o. She has aplasia since birth. She was not accepted by other children. It was difficult for her to wear non-active cosmetic prostheses. She is dreaming of riding a bike, holding a cake by herself and using a swing.
Imagine Mahendra, 35 y.o. He lost his hand in Mumbai terrorist attack. Mahen helps people to accept themselves and save others from social stigma.

In addition to upper limb congenital or acquired amputees and their families, our target audience includes rehabilitation and prosthetic clinics and doctors who want to use the best technologies and innovations for their patients.
There are more than 2M of such potential clients globally.

Global upper limb prosthetics market value is >$4.5B. It’s constantly growing.

Problem or Opportunity

Our project targets to provide better quality of living for people with disabilities using technological robotic prostheses.The World Health Organization estimates there are about 15% of people worldwide who require rehabilitation systems, prosthetic limbs, braces or other mobility devices, yet less than 20% have them. Also, these people do not have a clear connection with each other to cooperate and share their experience of living and rehabilitation.

Solution (product or service)

Motorica company focuses on research and development in modern technologies in medicine and robotics. We produce functional prostheses for everyday life and system of rehabilitation for patients with different types of assistive devices. We are making affordable technologies of production, installation, and rehabilitation with new methods and technologies like 3D Printing, AI, VR, IoT, 3D scaning and machine learning. The combination of these technologies will give disabled people all over the world remote access to advanced rehabilitation methods and affordable devices to construct their bodies with cyber-limbs.
Motorica’s range of artificial arms includes only active hands with the function of gripping:
Individual 3D printed CYBI hand allows children fr om 2 years old to ride bikes, use pens, or to interact with the smartphone and choose a unique design of their limb.
- INDY and MANIFESTO are strong myoelectric robotic hands with single grip and multi-grip, respectively, which cover daily operations of users.
In addition to these products, Mototica develops Attilan, an ecosystem, wh ere all users are connected and where they can get support from rehab doctors, get an VR rehabilitation experience or find people with the same life story worldwide.


Global prosthetics manufacturers - Ossur, Ottobock, Vincent, Taska, Open Bionics, Keshen, Endolite.

Alternatives: to live without a prosthesis

Advantages or differentiators

A new approach to prosthetics: Our prosthetics are not medical devices, but modern gadgets. The user can choose the design of the prosthesis and add new features to it. The prosthesis can be equipped with additional gadgets, for example, a jump rope, flashlight, camera mount, contactless payment function, and smartwatch with smartphone functionality. With such a prosthesis the user does not feel like a disabled person, but like a superhero.


Our revenue comes from selling prosthetics devices directly to end-users or through clinics and other health professionals, including the government health system.
Cost structure includes R&D expenditures, production, headcount, marketing.
$16M is projected in sales by 2025 .

Business model

Our Business Model is selling the end product through the following channels:
- Direct to Customer
- B2B - through orthopedic clinics and insurance
- B2G - through Government Healthcare system

- More than 100 b2b partners worldwide
- 700 Daily Active Users (DAU)
- Official supplier in B2G of suck countries as Russia, Armenia, Kazachstan, India, Belarus and Latvia.
- 3x reduction of product lead time for B2C customers

Money will be spent on

Development on the global markets - creation of joint ventures with local manufactures, marketing, product adaptation.

Team or Management


- Economic downturn due to pandemic may decrease opportunities for global development and logistics issues
- Appearance of alternative Biomed technologies in future (like the growth of artificial limbs)

Won the competition and other awards

GSMA Global Mobile Awards 2019
Social Innovation Challenge Singapore 2019
Winners of “Go to Middle East” competition of “East Bound” 2018
«EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2019» Ernst & Young Global Limited
EWC «TOP 30 global companies from 100 000» Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2019


Patent #199832 (Russian Federation)
Patent #199579 (Russian Federation)
Patent #2719658 (Russian Federation)
Patent #2727893 (Russian Federation)
ISO 9001:2015 Certification
CE Mark

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