Фото - OSA Hybrid Platform

OSA Hybrid Platform

AI service for FMCG ensuring on-shelf availability of goods

Россия, город Москва
Отрасль: Интернет и ИТ, Логистика и склады, Торговля, Блокчейн, Искусственный интеллект
Стадия проекта: Действующий бизнес

Дата последнего изменения: 23.05.2018
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OSA Hybrid Platform is the provider of AI-based proactive scalable service for the FMCG sector, ensuring on-shelf availability of goods in retail stores in the real-time and in optimum quantity.
Our applicable AI engine processes data from nearly 100 sources. High accuracy of real-time out-of-shelf detection is achieved through the synergy of:
- Big data collection
- Real-time processing
- Advanced machine learning models
- Image recognition platform
- Deep expertise in FMCG-retail business and processes.
OSA HP team is based in 4 offices in Tallinn, Moscow, Kyiv and New York.

Текущее состояние

We have developed and successfully tested Optimal Shelf Availability (OSA)
Hybrid Platform, a service capable of solving the out-of-stock issue on store
shelves, which is recognized as the number one problem for today’s global retail,
costing the industry 400 billion dollars each year in lost sales and another 100
billion dollars in product waste.

OSA Hybrid Platform is a profitable business established by a group of experts
with backgrounds in business, data science and IT. Incorporated in Estonia, we
operate in Russia, Ukraine and the US.


As of September 2017, we have contracts with 10 out of 20 largest consumer goods manufacturers operating in Russia. Among them: Coca-Cola, Danone, Efes, JTI, L'Oreal, Mars, PersiCo, Unilever, SunInBev.

We have also signed up 8 out of 10 largest retailers in Russia: Auchan, Dixy,
Magnit, Metro, X5 Retail Group and others, as well as one retail chain in Ukraine.

In the pipeline are the pilot tests in the US, France, China, Poland, and the Czech

Проблема или Возможность

It happened to all of us while shopping: instead of a particular product we were looking for, we found an empty shelf. The absence of consumer products on shelves in the retail stores due to the sell-out is the biggest problem the global retail faces today costing the industry $400 billion annually in lost sales. Out-of-stock ranges from 8% in the US to 21% in Russia.

The problem affects all parties.

Consumers: 55% of shoppers report negative shopping experience due to the failure to find at least one product they wanted to buy.

Consumer goods manufacturers: lose sales to competition when the retailers fail to display their products on shelf. They also lose the hard-gained customer loyalty, when shoppers are forced to switch to the competitor’s product due to their regular product being unavailable on shelf.

Retailers: lose shoppers to the competing retail chains and online retail. As a
result, retailers report declining customer tra

Решение (Продукт или Услуга)

OSA Hybrid Platform is a service which solves the out-of-stock problem in the retail stores by generating and sending alerts in real-time to the store staff who then are directed by the system to fix the problem exactly where it occurs. Designed as a complete end-to-end solution, the Platform monitors the process from start to finish, finding and eliminating human error and process inefficiencies.

In order to generate real-time alerts in the store, our Applied AI
Engineprocesses large amounts of data from more than 100 various sources.
High accuracy of out-of-shelf detection is achieved thanks to:
1. Collection and processing of big data in real-time.
2. Advanced machine learning models.
3. Best-in-class image recognition platform.
4. Deep understanding of FMCG and retail business and all the processes


Blue Yonder
Next Orbit
Simbe Robotics

Преимущества или дифференциаторы

The Platform's unique advantages are:
- AI-driven high-accuracy real-time alerts as soon as the particular product runs
out of shelve
- The entire process of solving the out-of-shelf issue is controlled by AI
- A business model stimulating retail turnover growth while optimizing the
manufacturer's costs and being free for the retailer


The pilot demonstrated the following results:
1. 70% accuracy of real-time alerts.
2. Sales growth of 5.4% for tested categories.
3. ROI in the range of 150% to 450% depending on the product category.

After the success of the pilot test, we have been strengthening the Platform with
image recognition technology, which has increased our alert accuracy to 95% and
offered wider functionality.


OSA Hybrid Platform has a unique business model based on win-win approach.

The supplier pays for the license, provides personnel to service the alerts, and
helps us train our machine learning algorithms for a particular product category.

The retailer shares its data, performs regular inventory to optimize stock, and
customizes its IT system to interact with our Platform.

Целевое назначение инвестиций

1. IT and data science development
2. Master data catalogue
3. Image recognition model catalogue
4. Blockchain technology development and maintenance
5. Machine learning algorythms for the supply chain
6. Scaling business internationally

Предложение инвестору

To be discussed during one-to-one meetings

Победы в Конкурсах и другие награды

The winner of Intercontinental Startup Battle, Silicon Valley

2nd Place in Investors Award at d10e
The Leading Conference on Decentralization (12th Global Edition)
Davos, Switzerland




Фото 1 - AI service for FMCG ensuring on-shelf availability of goods
Фото 2 - AI service for FMCG ensuring on-shelf availability of goods
Фото 3 - AI service for FMCG ensuring on-shelf availability of goods

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Startup.Network прекращает свою работу в Российской Федерации.

В сложившейся ситуации компания не видит возможности продолжать работу в стране-агрессоре, которая угрожает сегодня как Украине, так и всему миру.

Санкционная политика международной платформы означает:

  • Остановку сайта ru.startup.network. Стартапы из РФ больше не смогут размещать свои заявки на поиск инвестиций на нашей платформе.
  • Остановку проведение Unicorn Pitches Russia. Это значит, что мы больше не будем проводить Unicorn.Events на территории России и допускать стартапы, которые физически находятся на территории РФ, к нашему всемирному конкурсу. Также в жюри не смогут участвовать VC, которые находятся на территории РФ или не выступают против вторжения России на Украину.
  • Остановку приема денег из Российской Федерации в наш Синдикатный Фонд.
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